sensitive teeth

You don't have to live with the pain and discomfort of tooth sensitivity.


Common Causes of Sensitive Teeth


Tooth sensitivity can happen when you wear down or damage your enamel, but there are other common causes, too. Enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity could lead to having a tooth sensitive to cold or heat or even front tooth pain.


Thin Enamel

Decaying tooth

Exposed Nerves

tooth and roots

Cracked or Damaged Teeth

Tooth with gum disease icon

Gum Recession


Whitening Products

Sparkly Tooth
Two individuals hugging and smiling

Treatment Options for Sensitive Teeth


Dentists know how to treat tooth sensitivity with a range of treatments and home care changes. After seeing what's happening with your case, the dentist can recommend a remedy to treat your sensitive teeth.


General Dentistry

Dentists know how to treat tooth sensitivity with a range of treatments and home care changes. After seeing what’s happening with your case, the dentist can recommend a sensitive teeth remedy to treat what causes your sensitive teeth.

Routine Cleaning

Getting all the plaque and tartar off your teeth and gums can keep tooth sensitivity at bay.

The common side effects associated with tooth whitening procedures are temporary tooth sensitivity and inflammation of the gums.

American Dental Association Science and Research Institute, 2022

Dental Hygiene

Your hygienists can also clean your teeth below the gumline to prevent sensitive teeth and gum recession.

Root Canal

With severe pain, your dentist might recommend this tooth sensitivity treatment for the inside of your tooth.


Help for Sensitive Teeth

Your dentist can diagnose why your tooth is sensitive and treat the underlying problem. Recommendations may include changes in your home care or diet, or a mouthguard to protect your enamel if you grind your teeth. 

A desensitizing toothpaste and soft-bristled toothbrush can help protect your enamel. Also, brushing in a circular motion and at a 45-degree angle near the gumline helps. In addition, avoiding acidic foods and beverages, switching instead to a nutrient-dense diet of fruits, vegetables, cheese, milk, and plain yogurt. If you use whitening products, take a break, and talk to your dentist about the best teeth whitening for sensitive teeth. 


What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

The most common cause for sensitive teeth is tooth enamel erosion. Other factors include damage to the tooth structure from tooth decay, teeth grinding, or a cracked or chipped tooth. Also, a deteriorating dental filling or gum disease can cause teeth sensitivity. In addition, brushing techniques, teeth whitening treatments, or diet choices could be why you have a sensitive tooth.

Illustration of two women sitting by a desk and talking about teeth

Book an Appointment Today


You don't need to avoid your favorite foods due to tooth sensitivity. Schedule your appointment to talk to us about your tooth sensitivity so we can help.


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